Meet Victoria

Photo by Patrick Tobin

Photo by Patrick Tobin

Alright, trying to keep this thing going. So in this post I want to introduce you to Victoria. She can be seen pictured in this photo to the right. (Though the shot is about three years old at this point ha)

I haven’t touched sheet film since junior year of college. I’ve played with some peel apart film in my Crown Graphic, but that was about three or four years back. I’ve also taken some workshops in wet plate collodion at the Penumbra Foundation, but haven’t really dived back into classic 4x5 sheet film. But as I jumped back into platinum printing I thought it would be wonderful to try printing from some real negatives instead of only the digital variety. I dug Victoria out of storage and took her to New Jersey to photograph my parents. I shot a couple peel aparts, which I’m very happy with and some 4x5 sheet film. I just got the sheet film back and have to get around to scanning it… Another journey in itself. But I should know shortly if I was successful or not.

My parents in the den of their New Jersey home

My parents in the den of their New Jersey home

It was a learning experience for sure. But I had to buy quite a lot of film, so I’ll be diving in. While I procrastinate on scanning the film, I thought I’d put up a couple of the peel apart images because I’m really happy with how they came out. More than anything the experience taught me that I need a new tripod head, because the ball head I currently have on my tripod just won’t cut it for future adventures into large format photography.

Dad after I yelled “DON’T MOVE!”

Dad after I yelled “DON’T MOVE!”

Our Thanksgiving Table

Our Thanksgiving Table